Thursday, November 6, 2008

I'm going slightly mad....

So, yesterday was day two of Kiddo's new sensory diet aide. (Monday was day one, then Tuesday there was no school.) Well, Kiddo came home bouncing off the walls, which made my afternoon plan of taking Kiddo to the post office and butcher shop with me a bad idea in hindsight. Kiddo went from banging around in line at the PO to literally spinning in circles at the butcher's - way beyond typical 5 year old behavior, we're talking a disregulated sensory system kind of a thing. Behavior that shouldn't be happening with Kiddo getting her complete sensory diet as set in her IEP and for which the aide was hired to administer.

When we got home, I looked in Kiddo's notebook where the aide is supposed to complete the checklist sheet for each part of her sensory diet each time it is done. It was only checked off ONCE. I was more than a little WTF? about it, so I asked Kiddo how many times she had her SD yesterday. She confirmed once in the morning. I hopped on the computer and emailed her teacher to see if I could get confirmation of the SD not being done three times and if there was any explanation as to why, and then later wound up just calling her teacher instead (because, you know, her teacher doesn't exactly linger at school all afternoon and evening waiting for me to email...).

Well, I just heard back from Kiddo's teacher that Kiddo and the notebook were accurate; she only had her SD *once* yesterday.

Now, this aide was specifically hired to work with Kiddo. Her primary job responsibility is to DO THE FLIPPING SENSORY DIET THREE TIMES A DAY. I explained the importance of this to her when I met her Monday morning. Kiddo's OT explained the importance of this to her on Monday morning as well (I was standing right there at the time). I reiterated the importance of it again before I left on Monday. So, how the heck could she NOT DO the MAIN THING she was hired to do on the SECOND DAY of work?!? Kiddo does not need an "aide" aide; by which I mean she doesn't need someone shadowing her every move - she doesn't require that level of assistance. She is eminently capable of doing everything herself outside of the sensory stuff. Yes, the aide is supposed to function as a second set of eyes for the teacher where Kiddo is concerned and provide extra sensory input/support if Kiddo is acting disregulated. (You know, like leaping off the top step of the bus and crashing into me or spinning around in circles and banging into displays at the butcher shop...) That is her secondary job function, with her primary job function being to take Kiddo down to the therapy room not once, not twice, but THRICE a day for her sensory diet.

I am fairly sure that by this point, Kiddo's teacher is just as frustrated as Hubby and I are with this whole thing. I am afraid I'm turning into a thorn in the teacher's side as well, which I so do not want to be - it's just that the teacher is the only one who gives me any information.  At the rate we're going, we'll have to get Kiddo's teacher a weeklong trip to Hawaii for the holidays - we're getting way beyond "gift card" level here!

So, now I'm waiting to see how Kiddo is this afternoon. I'm planning to take her outside and let her run herself ragged, as it is nice and sunny again today. I'm hoping she is on an even keel (her teacher did report that Kiddo was on her way for her SD when she emailed me earlier this afternoon) and that she gets her sensory diet completely, as she needs it. As, you know, her IEP says she should, and as, you know, they specifically hired this woman to do.

In the meantime, in lieu of a nice, solid brick wall against which to bang my head repeatedly, I'm going to take some deep breaths and maybe a walk around the block outside myself, because I seriously think I am going slightly mad from all this. How hard is it to follow a kindergartener's IEP??? AAAAAAAAARGH!!


Ash said...

I hope this afternoon goes better than yesterday. My question - just what was the aide doing all Wed. afternoon if she wasn't helping kiddo? You know, the primary job she was hired to do?

Crazy. Hang in there!!


P.S. that video is creeeeeeeee-py.

Andy said...

Ah Man! You have way more patience then I do!! I hope you get this sorted out soon!

Anonymous said...

I hope things get better. I would like to say I was so curious about your daughter and learning about her issues (my mom was a classroom aide/nurse for handicapped children), I clicked on your SPD link and I learned a lot of fantastic info. So you can feel good about educating me anyway!

Carrie said...

Hello Freddie...I *heart* you.

Unknown said...

I really hope to hear good news soon about all this. My mom (as a Principal) would be having FITS along with her.

Unknown said...

I sure hope things went better today- I can't imagine what the aide was so busy doing she couldn't do her job.

Twisted Lisa said...

she was probably but seriously. I just sent an email to my attorney, "Can I pull my kid out of school until they can implement the IEP?" (the one they wrote)

MichelleB said...

Ya you have more patience than me but hope it all gets better.

Freddie Mercury's hair in that video looks a lot like my hubby's 80's hair he wore on Halloween. Luckily I went as Ivanka Trump and wore the gorgeous diamond earrings my hubby bought me from for my birthday.

Sounds like the aide has issues!

Elisabeth said...

So sorry that it isn't going well so far. I keep hoping for you that things will swing in to place soon.

Mammatalk said...

Heather, I just had to pop over from SITS. Your comments on roll call have been cracking me up a lot lately. Just thought I would say hello.

Have a great weekend!

Deb said...

Like I said before, bravo to you for being so on top of things. You are a great advocate for your daughter. Hoping things get better...

Meaghan said...

stopping by to invite you to my giveaway

WheresMyAngels said...

Ok, first I have to comment on the music video! I love Queen, they are my favorite yet, I have never seen this or heard this song! I so enjoyed it!

I thought at first you were talking about a food diet 3 times a day!! lol

So WHAT was the reason it wasn't done 3x ? Do you know yet? That would be so fustrating!

Debbie said...

Bless your heart. This woman is a disaster. I hope things are going better now.