Kiddo's come up with some good barbs and insults for me over the years. Her standby is "Mean Mommy" but there are others, oh, are there others. For example, earlier this week, she called me a "crabby nut" in a fit of pique. (And yes, I did have PMS and probably was a crabby nut at the time, but that didn't stop me from sending her immediately into time out. Apparently I have a reputation to uphold, dontcha know.) I've also been naughty and unkind, but this was the first time I've been wicked. The wickedest, even.
Methinks the girl is watching a few too many Disney princess movies......
I wonder which Wicked One I most resemble, in her mind?

Naaaah, I may be pasty, but I'm not green. Also not quite that tall or skinny, alas. (Though I do seem to have a way with birds, given the constantly empty state of the bird feeders at our house.) Besides, we haven't let her watch Sleeping Beauty yet, so she wouldn't have the reference.
How about Cruella?

Hmmm, no, I don't think so. I don't smoke and I don't wear fur, plus I love animals. Also, again, neither tall nor skinny. (She does look to wear a large shoe, though, so in that we'd match.)
Medusa, from The Rescuers (which the kiddo just watched a week or two ago)?
Possibly, though I tend to wear less makeup and rarely wear earrings these days. Oh, but I am fairly certain that there have been moments while driving that I look very much like this:
I'm gonna have to go with Ursula, I think. She is my Wicked Alter Ego. Definitely.

Okay, I'm not purple and my hair doesn't have quite that much white in it (yet, though the kiddo is doing her best to get it there, it seems...). And I'm a bit envious of all her limbs, because there are definitely times when an extra arm or six would come in mighty handy. But from the boobs (not to mention the rest of her curves) to the sass to the big volume both in hair and voice, yep, I think I can definitely channel Madame Sea Witch when I'm being wicked.

The kiddo (aka the Poor, Unfortunate Soul) eventually relented this evening and apologized for calling me wicked. This may've been induced partially by me informing her that Wicked Mommies don't read bedtime stories or sing lullabies. (When I was singing her a lullaby a short while later, she told me I sound a lot more like Ariel than Ursula. Awwwwww.) I'm sure there will be many more times when Kiddo thinks I'm wicked (or worse) in the future. Guess I'll have to get myself some evil animal sidekicks (think Swimmy could be converted? She already swims on the dark side...) and a sassy, magical shell necklace so I'm prepared...

Oh,now Cruella, it's not all THAT bad, is it? BTW, please drop by soon and join our effort to get Uncle Lynn and Pop'rs on Oprah! We're doing an e-mail campaign as part of our Great Pop'rs Giveaway, and you can help! Uncle Lynn and Pop'rs on Oprah? I have my fingers crossed...
My mother in law looks just like Ursula. It's terrifying. After a five pack a day (give or take) smoking habit, she sounds just like her too.
Ursula does have one sound piece of advice, however...
"The men up there don't like a lot of blabber. The think a girl who gossips is a bore. Yes on land it's much preferred for ladies not to say and after all, dear, what is idle prattle for? They're not all that impressed with conversation. True gentleman avoid it when they can..."
*cough* ladies not to say a word... *cough*
Lol at Apple Joos! That's too funny! I :heart: this post! Too funny!
Thanks for stopping by!
Another mean mommy
It's fun to be wicked now and then. hehe
You wait till she becomes a teen!!!!
This will seem minor :-)
When Lika is upset she tells us "You can't come to my birthday party"
She has also tried the name calling but hasn't quite got it right because when I do something she doesn't like, she says "Mommy, you are a GENIUS". So, I just say thanks which makes her crazy. I could tell her what genius means but that would take the fun out of everything!
Ursula is a good choice. For all the evil characters, she is probably my favorite.
This post is overly funny.
Congrats on winning the camera @ SITS!! :)
I hear ya--I know I look like that while driving, lol. I remember a column by Erma Bombeck in which she lists all the ways she was the meanest mom ever--all things that were ultimately for the best for her children. So if they are calling you wicked, you must be doing something right!
I always get thats not fair -- love you post I thought it was cute and funny.
Just wanted to Congadulate you on winning!
Oh I am so glad that I am not the only "mean Mommy"'s funny though because my son has never said it but my daughter certainly has....she's even told me that I can't "be her best friend anymore". They really know how to hit where it hurts, huh? Oh by the way...could I have some of your "lucky dust"? I really want to win the the SITS I-pod this week! :)
lol! aren't you glad that they come back around to the cuteness :) congrats on the camera! take some pretty pics and post em! :)
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