Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Well, that's not utterly ridiculous...

Remember last week's episode of Splintery Badness with the Worst Pediatrician's Office Visit, EVER?

Well, in today's mail came the notice from our insurance company detailing the cost for that visit. Wanna know how much the charge was?


Yes, you read that right. $156.48 for partial splinter removal, a squeeze of polysporin and a Tasmanian Devil band aid. Oh, and of course we can't forget the Tinkerbell sticker the kiddo chose out of the basket at the check-out desk. Less our copay of $10 and that is $146.48 that our insurance is paying the doctor's office. (Um, thanks, Preferred Care!)

You think it was because this counted as some sort of surgical procedure, or because of pain and suffering? I'm not thinking of the kiddo and her Screams of Doom here, either, I'm thinking more along the lines of the doctor's double-kicked groin. Hmmmm.


Lisa@BlessedwithGrace said...

Well, praise the Lord you have insurance. That would have really been unsettling if you had to pay all out of pocket. First time to your site. I was coming over to give congrats on making the Saucy blog roll.

Anonymous said...

I cannot stand anything that has to do with insurance. As long as they pay I am fine. But when it gets into deductible and coinsurance...I say for-get it!

Congrats on being a Saucy Blogger!! Enjoy your week!!

Kaza said...

Ouch! Congrats on making the saucy blog list this week! Enjoy the comment love...

Heather said...

Medical bills make my eyes pop out of my head. Seriously.

Heather said...

Medical bills make my eyes pop out of my head. Seriously.

The Nice One said...

Don't you just looove insurance? UGH! Every time I see mail from our insurance carrier I know it's time for a martini.

Crazy Momma said...

Yowza! That is one amazing bill!

My son had a seizure in the middle of the night back a few months ago. It was more severe than I have ever seen so I called 911.

The ambulance bay is less than a mile from my house. The hospital is less than a mile from my house. All in all they MAY have traveled 2 miles ROUND TRIP. All they did was take his temp and transport him.

The bill? $611. That is only from the ambulance. The bill from the hospital was $845...and they did just about as much.

Congrats on making the saucy blogs! Can't wait to read more!