I also spoke with one of the two friends I was supposed to have lunch with today and we decided to reschedule for after the school break. Now, I just have to hope that the UPS man gets here early enough today that I have the grandparental Christmas present in hand when Kiddo and I head over there for Grandparental Christmas Celebration #1 as scheduled. I was supposed to pick Kiddo up from school instead of her riding the bus and head over there around 3:30, but with the snow day, we've moved it up so now I'm doing my "Please arrive quickly, UPS man" dance instead.
Hubby is working from home, so likely will not mind Kiddo and I making ourselves scarce for a while. At any rate, he'll be more productive without his chicks around. Of course, this means Kiddo and I need to get out of our jammies (as of this typing, Hubby is the only one who has gotten showered and dressed in our home...) and get a move on. She's working on a Christmas Craft project downstairs at the kitchen table, and I'm sitting here at the computer. That's traditional snow day activity after all, isn't it? I do need to get to the grocery store as well, for more chocolate to finish up one last batch of peppermint bark for Kiddo's holiday presents for all the school staff. Between teachers, aides, therapists and bus drivers, we have FOURTEEN people to whom we need to spread holiday spirit and gratitude around, hence the homemade holiday treats in festive tins currently stacked 3 deep on my kitchen counter. Kiddo and I made peppermint bark and chocolate covered pretzels yesterday, but I want to do one more batch to fill the tins to the brim.
And people, if school is closed tomorrow? Major disaster. (Yes, our school district has school through tomorrow.) The school is doing "A Long Winter's Night" and everyone is supposed to go to school in their jammies. Needless to say, Kiddo has been looking forward to this for weeks now. She's been obsessing over her choice of jammies to wear (I believe as of this morning, she's planning on her reindeer jammies). So, no school tomorrow will equal a devastated Kiddo and a Mommy with a bad tummyache, 'cause I don't think I will be able to avoid the 14 tins of holiday treats until January 5!!
I'll leave you with one more shot of the snowdrifts in my back yard. For point of reference, our fence is six feet high:

Yep, that's a bit of snow. Too bad it's supposed to go up to 47 and rain here on Wednesday, thereby rendering our white Christmas questionable.......
How come hubby doesn't go to grandparental Christmas??
Holy snow that's a lot of it!!!
Snow, snow everywhere in the world I am beginning to think!!! I can't get over kiddo still has school and I know what you mean about PJ day - our girls have two a year and they love it!!!
My preschooler loves PJ day. We need to have an adult PJ day. I think people are nicer in their pajamas.
No snow here but I went to my sisters yesterday and it was a sheet of ice! Everywhere looked like a huge frozen lake.
Hope kiddo has school.
that amount of snow is obscene.
We just have sleet
I don't need to tell you the consequences of disappointing Kiddo.
School tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mine, and me, would be nuts on that!
That I must say is some kinda awesome snow. Of course we are in the Rain-soaked Wonderland here in Tn. but it's making a dent on the drought, yea!!!!
Gee your yard looks just like mine! However my kitchen is not filled with homemade treats like yours is. Hey if they cancel school...just ship all those yummy treats to your blogging buddies! We want to save you from yourself ya know!
Oh my - nice drift (draft?). It has been just above freezing and misting here (Dallas) for 4. straight. days.
If I had wanted to live in Scotland, I would have MOVED there!
Sorry, cranky Southerner here. Good news, my forced paperwhite bulbs are getting ready to bloom. Spring can't be too far ;-)
Stay warm!!!
WV = wintri (dead serious)
Hope you have a blessed and very Merry Christmas! L♥ve and Hugs :) Shauna
Yowza--that's a lot of snow!!
I just call the snowblowing thing "blowing"--that way my husband and I can make a lot of dumb jokes!
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