Friday, October 2, 2009

Phriday Photo Phiesta: Doggone it!

This is Teddy. Teddy is an 18 month old Cockapoo. Kiddo's honorary grandparents adopted him about a month ago. Kiddo's grandpa had to go to the hospital unexpectedly earlier this week for emergency spinal surgery. (He's doing very well and is expected to go home this weekend.) So, Teddy came to stay with us on Tuesday night for a few days.

Teddy loves his squeaky alligator toy. Kiddo picked it out for him as a present and gave it to him that first weekend he came home from the animal shelter.

Did I mention the alligator squeaks? It has two different squeakers inside. One is loud and sustained, the other louder and sustained-er.

He also loves his toy Kong. It doesn't squeak, but it is irregularly shaped (kinda like me) and heavy (ditto) and bounces unpredictably when it lands (ditto again), so not the best toy for playing Fetch in the house.

He loves to play Fetch. Especially with the squeaky alligator.

Kiddo loves Teddy and thinks dogsitting is a fantabulous thing. Hubby loves the dog and has taken him running in the evenings after dinner. I love him because he makes me get out of the house and exercise, and because I look less crazy when I'm walking around and talking aloud since when he's there, I'm not talking to myself, I'm talking to the dog.

The crazy cat is the one member of the family who is not so fond of the dog. She's decided that avoidance is the best policy, along with sitting just out of reach and glaring a lot, plus major hissing whenever he gets too close. She's not peeing on anything other than her kitty litter yet, though, so that seems to be a good sign. (*knock wood*)

Teddy is not crazy. He's mellow, well behaved, doesn't bite or chew on things, doesn't bark much (except at the cat), doesn't seem to shed and is crate trained. He loves to just be where the people are.
Even, it turns out, when where the people are is in the shower.


Being as near-sighted as I am, at first I thought I'd missed a spot while shaving near my ankles. Whew, close one.

I haven't been to the gym much this week, but I have been going for 2 or 3 long walks each day, along with lots of hurry up and pee so we can go back inside because it's dark and cold and drizzling and I'm freezing, shorter walks.

When we get a dog of our own (and that seems a foregone conclusion), it will be *after* we fence the back yard in so that doggy business can be conducted without the need for
hurry up and pee so we can go back inside because it's dark and cold and drizzling and I'm freezing walks in the early mornings or later evenings. Also so Kiddo can play Fetch outdoors with the dog without worry of him spotting a squirrel and taking off for Parts Unknown.

Speaking of Fetch - gotta get back to it. For more Phriday Photo Phiesta Phun, be sure to drop by Candid Carrie's!

* About the shower: yes, I know it is hideous and horrible. The pink tile - ugh. The grey and pink tile floor - double ugh. The stained, grotty grout - quintuple ugh. Kindly just notice the cute dog and not the rest of it, mmmkay? Thanks.


Cristin said...

Such a cute doggie. I love other people's dogs so's my own that I can't stand!

Andy said...

What a cutie!!!!

Pearl said...

Awww! Good boy!


Creative Junkie said...

omgosh, he looks like a stuffie (stuffed animal) - cuteness!

Anonymous said...

Teddy is a VERY cute doggie - doesn't even look real!!!

kristin said...

Adorable! That kiddo needs a dog. :-) the cat will adjust - I've been through it.

Givinya De Elba said...

Aw, he's so cute! Kong sounds a bit like me too.

Ann said...

Honestly, I LOVE the pink tile! Takes me back to my childhood, growing up in a 50's house... ours was green and yellow, but the neighbor had pink and I was soooo jealous, lol! Yeah, definately get a fence - being in an apt. now, I really really miss being able to toss the dog out to do her 'business'. He sure is a cute pup.