Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Semi-Wordless Wednesday: No, this is NOT an April Fool's joke

See this?

Do you know what this is? It's our microwave, back upstairs out of the basement and on the counter where it belongs.

Know why it's back upstairs out of House Showing Purgatory? (And yes, having to run down a flight of stairs into the basement to nuke something has been such a joy over the past three weeks, especially when the crazy cat tries to time her bowel movements to the nuking, so while you're frantically waiting for the timer to ding and your food to be warm, she's funking up the airspace from her litterbox a mere yard or two away.........)

'Cause..... WE SOLD OUR HOUSE this morning!

AND that's not all................



Seriously, this has been the craziest 12 hours for us. You have NO idea.

More to come soon, including a tour of all the wallpapered walls we just bought......................


Ronnica said...

Yay! Speaking of those wallpaper it staying or going? (the wallpaper, that is) Do you have more painting in the future? When's the move?

Unknown said...

I'm so HAPPY for you!!! I can't wait to see your new digs.

I'm also a little jealous... Mr. B and I are looking at a house and it's not going fast enough for me PLUS he April Fooled me today saying someone had put a bid on that house. ha ha

Andy said...


Esme said...

You are superhuman! Most people don't buy AND sell a house in the same day. I'm so happy (and relieved) for you!!!

Paige said...

This better not be an April Fools Joke.


Cristin said...

YAY!!! Congrats!! Can't wait to hear about the new place!

Creative Junkie said...


Where, where, where, where, where?????


Congratulations on the sale of your house and purchase of a new super-wallpapered one! ;o)

Debbie said...

Wow. And wow. That is a great day for you all!