Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Lost, Shmost, it's Sweeps Week on Cat TV, too, you know...

Yes, Spring means "sweeps week" for our local Cat TV stations (aka windows on the lower levels of the house).  Besides the regularly scheduled programming of Birdies, Squirrels and Chipmunks, we also get the big guns - BUNNIES!!

Though, all the hours of sweeps week excitement do tend to tire a kitteh right out............


tulpen said...

Oh, poor Kitty... wanting a bite of that bunny so bad.

Pearl said...

Ah, man but I'm a sucker for a picture of a sleeping kitteh!

I have two (who posts dedicated to the little buggers), one of whom actually appears to be watching both the TV and our fish tank.

Word to the wise: never let the kitteh have the remote. You'll never get it back.
