Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Mostly Wordless Wednesday: "Spring" (<-- those are great, big, honking air quotes there)

These were my crocuses as of Monday morning, the first morning of Spring, when I stepped out onto the porch to see Kiddo off to the school bus:

These were my crocuses as of *this* morning, the third morning of Spring, when I stepped out onto the porch to see Kiddo off to the school bus:

And these were my crocuses as of 4pm today, and I am really wishing that my computer had a function to adequately depict great, big, honking air quotes to put around the word Spring:

It is of small comfort when our local meteorologists cheerfully remind us that the official "snow season" (<-- more GBHAQ there) doesn't end for our area until June 1st.  Or that there was snow last year on Mother's Day.  Small, cold, white comfort indeed.


Andy said...

The poor crocupetti!!!

You should move east! It's beautiful here.

Andrea @ The Creative Junkie said...

Mother Nature needs, how shall I say? An attitude adjustment <--- GBHAQ there.

Givinya De Elba said...

I was going to say, "Those Poor Little Crocuses!" Then I saw Andy's quote and now I am not sure that it's either original or grammatically correct.

We had a "Summer" <-GBHAQ

So I understand the disappointment of a "Spring" <-GBHAQ