Well, I have tried to be, as Jane Lynch put it while accepting her own Major Award (that one being a mere Golden Globe, since she's not an SPD Blogger as far as I know), falsely humble, but as the clock winds down to the end of the voting period and I see my fellow nominees campaigning on Twitter and the like for their own blogs, I find myself reverting to true form.
That form being Grace. Of Will & Grace fame. Yes, I admit it. I have a teeny-tiny bit of a competitive streak in me. (It is also true that I once aspired to have a huge head of red, curly hair a la Debra Messing in W&G or, more accurately, a la Julia Roberts circa Mystic Pizza. But that is neither here nor there, as my painful, Wolverine Van Beethoven recent history and present "the heck with it, I give up"ish Mom 'do can attest.) (Also, that "teeny-tiny" qualifier is the same as saying I have a "teeny-tiny" crush on George Clooney and/or Hugh Jackman, or that I have a "teeny-tiny" love of popcorn and naps. And as longtime readers may recall, I once made a video of myself singing an ode to George in order to win a contest for an autographed picture of the man. Which, by the way, I won.)
I have always been competitive. It's not that I'm not a good loser, because I can be gracious in defeat. Really. I just hate to lose. Ever since I was a small child, I relished the opportunity to beat anyone, anytime, at any game. It started out with Candyland, Chutes & Ladders and my favorite - Missing Match-Ups. I particularly adored Missing Match-Ups. It was a "Memory" style game, with several different combinations available of several different boards. I, with the freakishly good memory powers of my youth, memorized all the possible combos of each board and became unbeatable. My parents (and any other grown-up unfortunate enough to cross my path or face me over a game board) quickly gave up the pretense of "letting the kid win" and would play all-out in an attempt to keep the game close. Didn't usually happen. (In fact, I was often admonished by my parents to let my younger siblings win sometimes, because I was that competitive. Didn't matter that my competition was still in Pampers, though I preferred to beat grown-ups over a drooling toddler....) By the age of 5, I had graduated from the kiddie games and was playing cribbage against my Dad. It had been one of his favorite games and he was happy to teach it to me. At first, anyhow. MWAH HA HA HA HA. Once I began playing crossword games like Scrabble, it was Good night, Irene for the vast majority of my opponents. Trivial Pursuit? Pictionary? Taboo? Scattergories? I killed in 'em. Games that revolved around words, like Balderdash? Oh yeah, right up my alley. When computers became commonplace in the home and the first, majorly pixelated Jeopardy* home game became available, I'd disappear for hours on Christmas day, parked at the PC up in my dad's office and waiting for new
So, yeah, I'm competitive. And, as I feel the end of this Awards voting period drawing to a close, I'm starting to twitch. To panic. I didn't want to be one of those bloggers who begs and pleads for votes, really I didn't. But, now I am. Begging and pleading. Pretty, pretty, pretty please, wontcha hop on over and cast a vote or two (really, you can vote twice according to the rules - I like to win but I don't like to cheat) for me? Please?
Pretty please?
Okay, I'll stop begging now....
(That one's a vintage Kiddo shot)
So, for the last time, please click the conveeeeenient link below and vote for me!

I might even be convinced, should I win, to repost my Clooney song video for your entertainment.....
* PS - I once, back in the early '00s, appeared on the actual TV show.... My coworkers, they of the "we lose at Scrabble to Heather on a daily basis" variety, signed me up to try out for the show.